Your Zodiac Sign And The Perfect Makeup Routine

Sagittarius, who is restless and always on the move, adores adventure and is all about having fun.


Therefore, the more vivid and colorful your Sagittarius cosmetics, the better. 


Capricorns are creatures of simplicity who enjoy wearing convenient, classic, and easy-to-wear cosmetics. 

A Capricorn's makeup regimen does not require a beauty bag filled with products. 


Frankenstein, the deranged scientist, was probably an Aquarius, though we can't be certain.

Aquarius, eccentric and inventive, enjoys experimenting and inventing. 

Mystical and profoundly enigmatic, Pisces is attracted to everything reflective and shiny. 


The ideal zodiac sign cosmetics look for this water sign includes iridescent shades and jewel tones.

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