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Five Optimal Whole-Fat Foods to Promote Weight Loss

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In addition to its creamy consistency, full-fat yogurt is a nutritious option for individuals seeking to lose weight due to its carbohydrate and  protein.

Plain yogurt

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Granola, which is comprised of nuts, seeds, and occasionally dried fruits, can be savored with milk or incorporated into yogurt for a satisfying crunch. But be mindful of added sugars; for a nutritious snack.

The granola

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Healthy lipids and high-biological-value proteins are found in eggs. This combination provides the body with an adequate supply of amino acids and aids in appetite regulation.


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"The fat and fiber content of seeds contributes to the feeling of fullness and reduced chances of cravings,"

The seeds

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Cheese is an excellent source of protein, which, due to its prolonged digestion time, contributes to satiety.

To cheese

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