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Five Inflammatory Foods Contributing to Abdominal Fat

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Although homemade bread and muffins may be more beneficial for one's waistline, commercially prepared pastries frequently contain excessive amounts of sugar and are also high in calories. 


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Although white bread is a common household staple, it is not renowned for its high nutrient content. While certain alternatives may have trace quantities of added sugar, the primary detriment is the inadequate fiber content.

White Bread

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Such a popular breakfast staple may startle you by appearing on this list of inflammatory foods that can lead to abdominal fat.

The cereal

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Soda contains inert calories, which may result in weight gain, and its high caloric content can overwhelm the liver, promoting the fat storage of these surplus calories.


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Adding to the list of beverages that are probably destroying your midsection, sugary alcoholic beverages exacerbate abdominal inflammation.

Mixed Beverages

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Although popcorn is a valuable source of dietary fiber, it frequently contains excessive amounts of sodium and trans fat. 

Preheating Popcorn

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Consider bars that contain no more than three grams of fiber, fewer than five grams of added sugar, and no trans fat, if bars are simply too tempting to resist.

Bars of meal replacements

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