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5 High-Protein Foods That Shrink Belly Fat, Say Dietitians

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"Eggs are a great food because they will help you feel full for hours, and they're also very versatile and inexpensive,"


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Edamame is a delectable plant-based protein that complements a diet designed for weight loss effortlessly.

The Edamame

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"Chickpeas are considered a complete protein due to the presence of all nine essential amino acids," which are vital for bodily function and metabolism.

The chickpea

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Black beans are a gluten-free, plant-based complex carbohydrate that is an excellent source of both protein and healthful fiber. 

Black beans

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Whey protein, in its unaltered state, is predominantly present in dairy products such as cheese and milk. It is produced during the cheese making and milk curdling processes and comprises nine essential amino acids and eight protein groups.

Whey protein

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