5 Beginners Tips To Switch To Mediterranean Diet

Switch to olive oil and do not skimp on it.

Attempting to adhere to a Mediterranean diet with very going olive oil would undermine the purpose. 

Olive oil is the foundation of the diet, and many of its benefits appear to derive from its healthy monounsaturated fats and polyphenols.

Eat vegetables as a main course

Vegetable consumption is a defining characteristic of the Mediterranean diet. Every day, Greeks consume nearly one pound of vegetables.

To achieve this, vegetables including green beans, peas, eggplant, artichoke, and okra are cooked in olive oil, tomato, and seasonings and served alongside bread and feta cheese.

Learn to cook a few basic Mediterranean meals

The Mediterranean diet focuses on whole foods.

This does not imply that one must cook from scratch every day, but mastering two or three fundamental dishes will significantly improve one's diet.

Go vegan one or two days a week

When we examine the traditional diet of the Greeks, we find that they avoided eating any items,

derived from animals for approximately 200 days per year due to religious beliefs. It is quite likely that this had,

a significant part in the positive effects on health that were observed in that group. Have a look at the rules and regulations here.

Stop adding meat to everything

I frequently see in recommendations for healthy dining an abundance of vegetable dishes as well as a substantial amount of meat. 

We do not require that much meat (even if it is lean), and research indicates that reducing meat consumption is associated with improved health.

Try the following recommendations: Once a week for red meat, once a week for poultry, and once a week for fish.

Easy Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan for Beginners